Blogfolio Final Review
Through the semester, this course has introduced me to several new and useful technologies that could be utilized in the classroom. The E-book was exceptionally easy to read and navigate, providing a comprehensive look at many technologies that are being used to enhance the classroom experience for both students and teachers. The supplements provided on Blackboard by the instructor have also been of great use. The podcasts and powerpoints were exceedingly useful to get a richer, fuller look at the info being introduced in the E-book online. If ever at any point I found information in the E-book to be confusing or vague, the powerpoint presentations provided on Blackboard were usually very handy in clearing up the important details. I also found myself utilizing the video clips provided on Blackboard more than a few times. It is always useful to see particular technologies/programs in use rather than simply reading about them.
This class also provided me with the opportunity to create a blog. I have never had a blog before, so this in itself was a great learning experience. Creating the blog was rather simple, moreso than I expected, and getting subscribed to other people's blogs wasn't any harder. The blog provided a great opportunity to talk about the projects being completed in the class. It gave me an opportunity to really focus on what came easy and what actually took some work or focus to complete. That kind of self-evaluation on a weekly basis is very useful to the individual. Also, it was very interesting to see how other people chose to complete their assignments and what kinds of problems, if any, they encountered while learning to use whatever software the assignment required. The peer feedback through the commenting option on the blog was also very nice. Its good to have input from others who are seeing the same kind of work and are experiencing different kinds of problems. The blog also provided the opportunity to think about the material read in the E-book each week. The text covered a great deal of information and having the opportunity to answer questions concerning the material allows a particular insight into the material that one can certainly miss if simple reading over the text.
The hands-on projects were by-far the most fun and interesting part of the class. The way they were planned out and divided throughout the semester worked well. I never felt overburdened with too many hand-on assignments in a single week. The first three of these hand-on assignments proved to be rather easy. I'd used powerpoint and Word many times in the past so, churning out these two assignments only took a little creative thinking and not much actual learning of the software. The most difficult part for the flyer was finding a picture I was satisfied. Similarly, the most difficult part of the powerpoint quiz was coming up with some material that I would actually want to use in a classroom and getting all of my “right” and “wrong” buttons to take the quiz taker to the proper following slides. However, prior to this assignment, I had had no real experience with Excel, so learning the proper formulas for averages and getting the grids in order took a little work for me, but I like that I now know how to do it. I was happy to actually have the opportunity to learn a little about Excel.
The next set of assignments proved to be the most difficult of the hands-on assignments by far. I had had no experience with any of the webtools required for the assignments, so they each took a little reading and learning on my part before I dove in to complete the assignment. The rubric from Rubistar was easy in theory, but a little harder than expected in practice. It took a good bit of thinking and reworking on my part to come up with a rubric for grading essays that I felt was balanced and fair. I was fairly content with the results, but I certainly wouldn't mind revising it a few times before actually using it for grading students. The puzzle and test generators were a little more daunting to look at than use. After reading the tutorials, I felt very comfortable with both of these online software. Much like with the rubric, the most difficult part proved to be coming up with a theme and material for the puzzle and test that I wanted generated. Once again, I was happy with the results from both the puzzle and quiz generator and would be satisfied with using both items in an actual class. The website evaluations were no more difficult than they should have been. Choosing appropriate an appropriate site was the most difficult part of the assignment. I wanted something pertaining to my content area and that would satisfy most of the criteria on the evaluation sheets. However, while this was a simple assignment, I now have a good idea of what to look for in a quality website. Now, the most difficult part of this week's assignment was undoubtedly the Trackstar. I had never heard of this tool before, and it took a good deal of reading-up on my part to really get the gist of what I should be doing to complete this. The most difficult part of this assignment after learning what needed to be done was actually finding websites that I felt were satisfactory for the classroom. After spending a good deal of time selecting sites that would deal with one common lesson, I was satisfied with my selections. Providing short overviews of the sites on the Trackstar page was actually a lot of fun, too.
The website assignment was a little intimidating, if I am to be honest. I had never made a website before and didn't really know where to start. Luckily, the Google website creator was really user-friendly and held my hand through the process of creating the website. I felt a little silly talking about myself in a whole page of the website, but I was satisfied with the results. I enjoyed picking out pictures for each page and trying to follow a theme that I had selected. After reading over the tutorial a few times, I felt comfortable with how to add to and edit the pages with pictures and links to other sites. Adding the links to Trackstar and my other projects for this class was a breeze after getting the swing of how the website creator tools worked. I thought the website looked pretty good after it was all finished. I would certainly use it in a classroom (with a little tooling up of course).
The final set of hands-on assignments probably took the most work, however, they were not particularly difficult. The listserv was a real breeze and only took a few minutes to set up and sent out invitations too. Despite how simple it was to set up, I really do this that listservs and mailing lists are exceptionally useful, especially if one could manage to get their students' parents set up in if and everything. It would make parent-teacher communication leagues easier and more efficient. The same could be said for communicating with the students en masse as well. I'd never really used Window's Movie Maker before, but, as with most of the other assignments, the tutorials provided on Blackboard really enlightened me and made me feel more comfortable with the software. The movie took a while to complete, but I was concerned with having appropriate pictures that I really felt complemented my narration, although, I never really was able to get the narration loud enough. The editing options were fun and I played around with them a great deal until I decided on the options I felt fit my movie the best. If I was able to get the audio to actually work like I wanted, I would certainly not hesitate showing this video to parents.
Finally, this electronic portfolio could be a really nice asset to have around. I have quick access to all of my projects that I could easily utilize in the classroom. This finally portfolio also provided me with a good opportunity to once again go over everything I have worked on this semester and think about and problems I had along the way, or any tools that I found particularly useful. All in all, this has been an exceedingly helpful exercise.
In working on these projects, I feel that I am really adept at picking up information quickly and efficiently through written tutorials and that I can be thorough at something when I put my mind to it. I feel that my weak points are probably that I get easily discouraged with things that prove difficult at first and that perhaps I am too fickle when choosing images or ideas that fit a particular theme that I am going for in projects such as these.
I intend to use the knowledge I've gained in this class to create an exciting and hands-on learning environment for any students I have in the future. I intend to utilize these tools and technologies as often as possible to hone my skills and become more proficient so that I also can teach others how to use them to their greatest extent.
Group Members' Blogs URLs:
Josephine Maisano
Reed Hotard
Blog Reflection Week Ten (Website)
14 years ago
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